Easy fabric sofa maintenance

fabric sofa singapore

As we all know, today many people are highly interested in buying fabric sofa as it tends to add more beauty to their interior. But it is to be noted that buying a fabric sofa may be easier, but they must make sure to put forth better effort for its maintenance. One can also consider the maintenance while buying fabric sofa singapore. Some of the basic tips for maintaining this sofa are mentioned here.

Away from sunlight

While considering the fabric sofa, it should not be placed in the direct sunlight. This is because the sofa material will get affected when they are placed under the direct sunlight for a prolonged period. Hence while installing the sofa one must make sure to keep it away from the direct sunlight.

Immediate cleaning

One of the most common mistake done by many people is they will not clean the spill immediately. But this is not the right way for maintaining the fabric sofa. This is because when times passes, the strains may move deeper and it may be quite hard to remove. Hence immediately after the spill, one must make sure to clean it in the right way. One can use baking soda for removing the hard strains in their sofa.


Vacuuming the fabric sofa will not cause any kind of negative impacts to its originality and it will also help in removing the dust easily without putting forth more effort. People who don’t have vacuum cleaner can use dry brush for cleaning the loose particles accumulated in the sofa.