Montessori sensitive periods- A perfect environment for learning

montessori sensitive periods

According to Montessori, the child’s inflexibility or bad humor can imitate the unhappy condition. At the age of six, the child can build ups their senses. This is commonly known as child’s sensitive periods. This is also considered as the most important step in the child’s life. Every child goes through this period without a parent knowing what it is or how to feel it. Basically, there are three essential montessori sensitive periods available that are senses for movement, order and language as well. At the initial period, the children can pick up the voices as well as noises around them. This is how; they have learned to talk. They also imitate some sound in order to make his own. At this early period, they listen to them and begin to talk non-stop.

Children learning through Montessori’s sensitive period of education

Every Montessori child feels that their physical as well as social development must be taken into other considerations. It is also essential that the teacher monitors the children to identify out what they want and also thereby offering them with their requirements. On the other hand, the parent or teacher must understand the learning style of a child and preaching the lessons based on child’s needs. They also trusted that it must be a part of education in which the child is taught to be compassionate as well as caring towards others. Therefore, it is very essential to take care about the welfare and hygiene of a child.montessori sensitive periods

Why Montessori school method of education?

At the initial stage of school, the Montessori scrutinizes the children and monitoring the activities that they preferred as well as developed their educational theories from these inspections. The montessori sensitive periods also found that children from an early stage of his life and overtake through a sequence of sensitive periods, where they are absorbed in single element of their atmosphere with an extreme wish to discover that feature and also repeating several times of actions associated to their interest, until it directs into the upcoming part. Therefore, grab the opportunities for development in each sensitive period is more essential.