Dust Hazard Analysis or Assesment


A Dust Hazard Analysis (DHA) is contained of a series of trials to decide the presence of a flammable dust threat within a facility. Each assessment builds upon outcomes from preceding tests also defines a more precise understanding of the kind of dust threat present as well as a risk assessment of a flammable dust explosion. The Dust Hazard Assessment or Analysis comprisescommendations to minimalize the option of an explosion otherwise proposes modifications to current dust collection scheme to safely isolate otherwise suppress flames also pressure in the occasion of a flammable dust explosion.

When is a DHA Essential?

The brief answer is always.  The necessitytoward conduct a DHA applies retroactively toward existing amenities and procedures, and NFPA 652 correspondinglyneeds a DHA for all new procedures and facilities.

The goalmouth of your DHA is to recognize all the dangers in your facility–particularly the ones you did not even distinguish existed.  For instance, the renowned Port Wentworth, Georgia Grand Sugar Factory explosion in 2008 was the outcome of unknown dangers.  A conveyor inclusionshaped the necessary detention for dust that was dripping and isolated from silo outlets, also an overheated bearing inside the inclusion is supposed to have been the explosion source.  This early explosion explodednumerous secondary explosions that had sufficiently of fuel due toward fugitive dust accrual and poor housekeeping.  A DHA probable would have recognized these hazards thus they might have been addressed.

Compliance Target for DHAs

NFPA 652 needs owners toward conduct a DHA for current facilities also processes through September 7, 2020.  NFPA 652 was initially issued in 2015 by a 2018 compliance limit, but the 2019 version (effective May 24, 2018) protracted the deadline toward September 7, 2020.  If your facility has not so far started this procedure, you are by now non-compliant.

This is a state where it truthfully is “better late than not ever.”  Starting the procedure of directing DHAs not merely keeps you compliant, nonetheless also displays your employees that you are devoted to their safety and grave about minimizing dangers in their workplace.


A dust hazard analysis is a methodical review of the procedures and parts of your facility where flammable dusts are existing.  NFPA 652 needs that you have a DHA comprehensive for existing procedures and amenities by September 7, 2020.  And lastly, if you havenot gotten started, now is the time – this procedure can save lives.