Tips to take care of waterbeds

waterbed mattress singapore

Waterbeds are in existence for a very long time and giving comfortable sleep to many people for centuries. The waterbeds are more popular because it does not allow any pressure to fall on the spine and the lower back. The waterbed mattress Singapore is not only comfortable but even lasts longer it may be used for many years if taken proper care of it. Below are some lists of things which you would need to do to ensure that your waterbed gives you trouble less sleep for a longer period.

  • Keep the pointed or sharp object far from your bed because the sharp objects can damage and cause puncture to your soft waterbed. You should be very careful that there should not be any sharp objects near the bed. If by mistake anything like that happens then you can buy the repair kit and use it to repair the damage done.
  • It is advised that you use a heavy mattress pad as there is a chance that the oil from your body can damage the composition of the waterbeds. So using the heavy mattress pad on the waterbed will help you to avoid this situation and you can maintain the bed without any issues.
  • Clean your mattresses regularly even though the dust does not stick to them for a long time. The regular cleaning of the waterbed will help you to keep it in good condition and the quality mattress will be the same for many years. You can condition it once a month.
  • When you fill water for the first time don’t forget to add the conditioner as the conditioner will help to prevent water from stagnating and also help you to avoid the bad-smelling. There is no need to change the water in the waterbed until you move it from one place to the other.


Follow all the above-mentioned points and enjoy the same quality of sleep for long period.